Tax Excempt

If you clicked on this link, your organization is probably Tax Exempt. While previously we only collected Sales Tax in NY State, the recent Wayfair decision has forced us to collect in all the States that require it.

Due to the emergency nature of some of our orders there may not be enough time to remove the sales tax from an order immediately. If you are Exempt you can order with confidence that Tax if any will be refunded.

Once an order has been placed we only authorize the card given. This will show on your portal as “Pending”. At some point after that at least 24 hours after the authorization has been placed and if we have received the exemption documentation proving your exemption in the “SHIP TO STATE” on the order, we “Ticket” the order less the tax. In the event that you need more time to produce your documentation. We will refund the tax up to 15 days from the date of the order.

If you check the Tax Exempt Box you will be prompted to CHOOSE
1. Please Process and we will send our Exemption Documentation
2. Do Not Process Until Tax Has Been Removed
Selecting Do Not Process will prevent the order from advancing until the exemption has been applied, and the Sales Tax Remove

New Customers

If you are a new customer please register an account on our website first.
Then send an email with your tax exemption documentation for the State in which you intend to ship the order to, a PDF is preferred.
Include the email that the account was registered with and or the order number.
The account will be set to Exempt ASAP. Generally 20 to 30 minutes during normal business hours. If any Tax was charged it will be refunded.
You have 90 days from the date of purchase to e-mail to request a refund.
Please note: Tax refund requests on previous orders will need to be made directly to your respective state department.

Multi Jurisdictional Exemptions

If you are exempt in Multiple States please send that document only. Indicate the State that you need to ship to on your next upcoming order we will set that to exempt first. We will load that document to your account. Due to the laborious nature of setting Multi State Exemptions we will apply the Document to orders to New States as they come in.

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